Thursday, July 22, 2010

this week tattoo designs

Since I'm going away this weekend, i use my lunch time at the office to finished some sketch.
This week the tattoo designs are an owl for christian and the humming bird with the flowers for isabel, hope you guys like it and enjoy your tattoo.

Happy Friday everyone! Have great weekend!



  1. hey sabrina... first of all can I just say that you are a magnificent artiste? and I'm proud that you are Indonesian and drawing people designs out of ur love of art. :)

    I too myself am a huge fan of tattoos I have a few but can't be too obvious about just how many I own cuz of, yaaah parents lol. but I was wondering if you would be interested in designing me some sort of a logo or cd cover? here's my myspace ( and my e-mail, maybe if ur interested we can talk thru e-mail (

    let me know if ur interested, and keep up the beautiful work. :)


  2. hi i saw your post on tumblr and i would love if you could draw out my tattoo for me, your drawings are amazing, i dont know exactly what i want but, i want to do an upper arm piece and i was think maybe some type of victorian vintage stuff but i have no idea,

  3. I love your work. I don't really know how to use this blog site but I was wondering if you could design a tattoo for me. I'd much appreciate it. You can email me at

  4. Found you through your submission at FY Tattoos. I must say your designs are great! You should do it professionally, in my opinion. But I really think that it's sweet you do it for free for your friends. Makes me want to be your friend! lol. Anyway, more power to ya. I'll be following your blog now, kbye. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi again! I agree with everyone, like I said before you do outstanding work. If you're at all interested I would love a tattoo drawn up. I've got a 6-7 inch long scar on my left forearm that I got having surgery after a car accident.
    I'm looking for something to cover it up. If you'd like to and you have the time, I wanted something inspired by the song "In My Arms" by Plumb. The chorus of that song.
    I broke my arm in the accident. I was 16 weeks pregnant at the time and someone pulled out in front of me and I hit them. If I hadn't put my arm in front of my stomach (something I hadn't even realized I had done until it snapped) I would have lost my little girl.
    So I just wanted something to kind of symbolize how much I love both of my little girls, and "In My Arms" seemed like a good song.
    I have 2 email addresses, and if you'd like to draw one up for me and get in touch with me.

  7. Hi, first of all, I want to say that what you are doing is really selfless and generous.

    I've wanted to get a tattoo for a while but nothing seems to be pretty enough. Maybe you could help me, I'm looking for something simple, nothing fancy. This drawing ( seems to be just the kind of thing I was looking for; mixing black and green with clean lines and shadows.

    Thank you very much, if you are interested I can try to explain it better by mail (

  8. Hi Sabrina!
    I found you on the FY Tattoos, I thought you were so talented!

    I've been looking around for a looooong while, but I haven't quite found what I've been looking for tattoo-wise.

    I was hoping you could draw a design based off of cherry blossoms? It'd be nice if it were a back piece.

    If you can, email me at
    if not, it's okay (=

  9. Hi guys, please email me all your request to And i will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you so much.. :)

