Friday, June 17, 2011

Children's Day Art and Donation Program

Dear my beloved friends and family,
for the 10th issue of Homeless Longitude we have
a special project in partnership with Jodie O'shea Orphanage, Denpasar, Bali.

The project called Children's Day Art and Donation Program.
Honoring the creativity of the youth with an art day with the kids at the orphanage.

Please take a moment to consider participating in this special event.

You can donate some money or art supplies and in July we will be making trip to the orphanage to deliver all the donations as well as participate in a special art day with the children.

You can help us with donate money through our Paypal account, sending us unneeded art supplies or simply help us spread the word.

For more info and a link to our Paypal account, you can checkout

Thank you so much,
Sabrina and Cole

Homeless Longitude #9

Homeless Longitude Issue #9 is out!
Click here.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Homeless Longitude #8

Homeless Longitude Issue #8- The Royal Wedding
Complete issue click here.